Sunday, 2 March 2025

Will we run out?

The Future

I was thinking a lot about what the future of our planet will be. Will we be able to stop destroying this planet in time for it to recover, is the big question. Might planting more trees be the answer to our problem or is it too late already? The fact is that nature doesn't need us, but we do need nature. Nature will recover after we are gone but for how much longer will we be able to go on like this?

We produce too much waste, there is no doubt about it. It fills the planet up with rubbish and depletes our resources. Waste also contaminates our waterways. Reuse and recycle might be an answer. One option is also to stop producing the waste in the first place. We have used plastic for such a long time that it is quite difficult to remember what life was like before the use of plastic. Some of you might be too young to remember that there WAS a life before plastic and how things were done in the past. One of my daughters recently told me that she bought and started to use washable sanitary towels. That was how it was done in the past. Girls were knitting or sewing their pads and they were washed after usage. No waste and no problems with the supply of it. It is a fact that we draw on the resources of the planet as well without giving something back. When I was in school many years ago, our teacher already told us that crude oil might not be available for very much longer. 

When I was using the apples I grow in my garden  I was thinking that at last I will give something back to the garden and the trees by composting the peel and the core and applying it to the soil when the compost is ready. I'm sure I still draw on the resources of the soil and that is why I use manure in the spring to put around the trees.

One thing that doesn't draw on resources very much is Homoeopathy. The substance used for a homoeopathic medicine, which is called remedy, is diluted to a high degree, which means that a small amounts goes a long way. Homoeopathy is also environmentally friendly because the production of homoeopathic remedies doesn't pollute the environment and doesn't create toxic waste. Fact is, that I even use Homoeopathy in my garden and for my trees. I'm still learning because I have been trained to treat humans and not trees and bushes but the same principles apply. My next move will be to apply Aurum to my fig tree so that he might have some figs next year. If you want to know more about Homoeopathy and how it can help you, please contact me on 07813 195468. I'm looking forward to hear from you.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

Soon it will be spring

The Spring In The Air

I know it is still cold and the wind  is still bitter but the sun is not shining today. Everything is nicer, when the sun shines. 

Maybe it is time for a bit of spring cleaning, not only the house (better done when the sun is shining because you'll see all the cob webs) or the conservatory(too early, we are not going to use it before April and by then the spiders took up residence again), but myself. 

I usually start to drink nettle tea once a day at this time of year to clear the blood. I eat fruit and grains for breakfast and a salad for lunch. 

As soon as the nettles come out in my garden, I add them to my salad. My husband thinks that I'm as tough as a goat but I do like the tingly feeling in my mouth. And the taste. I've noticed that the chives are peaking out of the soil as well so they might be ready to be picked soon. Activated charcoal is another good supplement to get rid of toxins in your body. 

I do use it sometimes but usually I get bored with swallowing the huge capsules. It is so much easier to use Homoeopathy. The Homoeopathic remedy Carbo-vegetabilis is made from charcoal and purifies the body as well particularly if there is a lack of energy as well. If the person has no energy at all, Carbo-animalis would be the better choice. Please keep in mind that this is not an instruction for self prescribing. If you don't feel well for any length of time you should see a health practitioner. Homoeopathy
is a very individual medicine and it can only work if you get the right remedy for you. So contact me on 07813 195468 and we can sort things out. Looking forward to see you back in good health and energetic.

I cannot wait for the flowers to come out.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

I wish

Waiting Again

It is time to wait again. Time to wait for my cold and the cold to pass. I'm waiting for sunshine and spring. I want to go out into the garden and cut trees and hedges before it is too late to do so. 

But I'm not going to do that NOW. It is too cold, the cold wind is blowing right trough me whatever I'm wearing. Anyway, at the moment I'm nursing the cold very generous people gave to me. I'm glad I have Homoeopathy to help me with that. Otherwise I would suffer a lot more and it would take a lot longer to pass. 

So while I'm waiting for the cold to pass and the weather to get better I'm lining up my Homoeopathic remedies to have them to hand if disaster strikes. Gardening is a dangerous job as I found out when I fell off the compost heap. Well, it was actually quite funny in spite of the bruises. 

This time I have to cut trees and blackberries. Cutting blackberries I will definitely end up having lots of thorns in my fingers. The Homoeopathic remedy silica can sort that out. And for the bruises I have Arnica. Any squashed finger can be treated with Ledum and cuts are the domain of Staphysagria. So spring and sun can come, I'm prepared. If you need me give me a call on 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you.  


Sunday, 9 February 2025

In the books

It's In The Books

Well, I occasionally do read fiction. One cannot sustain a life just on medical and reference books, but sometimes I do wonder. Did you ever find yourself wondering why the heroine wanders off into the dark cellar when the power is off, even though she knows there is murder and mayhem down there, or expects it to be down there? Is she stupid, or what??? 

Or did you find yourself thinking that you would not have apologized to that bully, or said a particular thing, when reading a book? Obviously there would be no story to tell, if the heroine would just turn at the stairs down to the cellar and leave the house. There would not be the excitement at someones' peril and potential rescue if she would do that. At the moment I'm reading a book where the hero is a decorated war veteran with a blown off lower leg and he suffers dreadfully with it. It is described as swollen, red and sore, and the pain was excruciating. That is where I find myself wondering why he is not seeing a Homoeopath who could help him with these symptoms. It would make it a lot easier for him and taking some little sugar pills would help him to do his daily job, which involves walking a lot and standing for hours to survey people. 

Before I started on that book I read one where a person was really ill and very agitated. The relative of that person was so concerned and I kept thinking: "Well, a dose of Arsenicum album would sort that out."

Homoeopathy is such a wonderful medicine where small amounts of a substance could make a huge difference to a persons life. Consider it as an alternative but be aware that it can only work if you get the right remedy for YOU. I have been trained for 5 years to get the right remedy for the right person, and still learning, so self medication is very often a shot in the dark and doesn't work. A lot of people have been disappointed 
because they think Homoeopathy has let them down but the secret really is to get the right remedy. So let me give you a hand on your journey to health and call me on 07813 195468. Looking forward to meeting you.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

There is no end

Is It Still Christmas?

Christmas is long over but it still seems to be on in our house. We still have a lot of Christmas food. There is still the jar of cranberry sauce and the packet of chestnuts in the cupboard. there are mince pies in the freezer and I haven't managed to eat all the sweets yet. It seems never ending. How about you?

But what would be Christmas without all the special food you can usually only get around Christmas time? You, or I in this case, have to stock up. And I did stock up. I definitely stocked up on Brandy Butter. I must admit, this is my favorite Christmas food. I had never eaten anything like that before coming to the UK. It is just marvelous, and it doesn't matter if it is home made or shop bought. It is lovely on Christmas pudding, mince pies, and even Christmas cake (or any cake). 

It is one of those things where you cannot go wrong. A toast to Brandy Butter. It is just the right mixture of fat, sugar and alcohol. Just the things I should not eat, or at last not too much of it. But I have a lot of it. So what do I do? I will not let it go to waste so I made apple crumble and in the crumble was brandy butter. I left the sugar out, obviously, but added sesame seeds for the crunch. Well, we had the crumble with Brandy Butter. And I made a cake just using Brandy Butter, eggs, milk and flour. It is very good. I might have to freeze a bit because you can have too much of a good thing. 

And that is where Homoeopathy comes into the picture. No, there is not a remedy made out of Brandy Butter, well, not as far as I know. But if you have ever indulged in too much of a good thing, Homoeopathy can help with the remedy Nux -Vomica. This is not the ticket to over indulge but things like that happen. One mince pie too much and a big spoon full of Brandy Butter might do it and just tip you over the edge. The same goes for alcohol. So think about Homoeopathy but please no self medication because Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine. So give me a ring to book and appointment on 07813 195468. 

Sunday, 19 January 2025

More sweets

Never Ending!

Last week I spoke about the never ending supplies of sweets after Christmas which we have to munch through.  It is not too bad. They seem to disappear slowly but surely. I do like sweets but I know that a few people don't. 

There was a girl I grew up with and she never had sweets and still doesn't like them. Even as a child she'd rather suck a tube of tomato puree than have a bar of chocolate. She would get jars of gherkins and pickled beetroot and would sit on the steps and eat them with her fingers. She always offered some to me as well but I declined. Gherkins, pickled beetroot and a suck out of a tube of tomato puree didn't seem quite attractive to me. A piece of chocolate had a better ring, and taste, for me. 

My cousins were similar. They did eat some sweet stuff but when I came to stay in Summer I would find the Christmas sweets under the bed of one of my cousins. I think she was hiding them there. When I asked her why, she said that she didn't like it and that her brother still had his as well. The little basket was still full of chocolate and ginger bread and she kindly offered for me to have as much as I liked but it was not very nice anymore. I tried it. Even I didn't like that stuff anymore.

I was a child who had her sweets at Christmas Eve and by Boxing Day even the fruit and nuts were gone. Sometimes I felt really bad after all the sweet stuff. I can remember a birthday party of a class mate when I was 9. I had so much cake that I couldn't go to school the next day because I felt so sick. 

It would have been nice if my mother would have known about Homoeopathy but she didn't. There is a Homoeopathic medicine which could have remedied my need for sweets and the ill effects of it. I'm talking about Argentum- nitricum and one of its key notes. But I have to remind you that Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine and that this might not be the right remedy to help you, so no self medication please. If you have the same problem as I had as a child give me a ring on 07813 195468 to book an appointment. Looking forward to hear from you. 

Sunday, 12 January 2025

Roll on

 Fatty New Year

Christmas is gone. The New Year celebrations are gone. The New Year is starting to get older. People have already stopped wishing each other a "Happy New Year". The thing which is not gone, at least in our house, is the food. We are still eating mince pies, cranberry sauce and lebkuchen, well, not all together in one go, but I hope you'll get my drift. There is still a lot of Christmas stuff in the shops, mostly at a tempting reduced price. 

We had too much, too much fat, too much sugar, too much salt, and we had it far too early and for far too long. I don't know about you but I cannot wait to have the first mince pie of the year. According to tradition you should have the first mince pie at the first of December and do a wish and then you should eat ONE every day during December for the wish to be granted. Well, most of the time it was not just one mince pie for me. I usually cannot stop and so I have two most of the time. They are particularly nice warm with brandy butter. My excuse is that there will be no more mince pies for another year because this is still a rare item which is not on the shelf all year round. So it is now or never. Well, at least till the next season. 

Don't we all think that we will lead a healthier life after Christmas? Eat more greens, fruit, vegetables and a lot less sweet stuff? I definitely do, every time but come January, the sweet stuff has not miraculously disappeared. It is still there, lurking in the cupboard, hiding in the freezer, lingering in the fridge, and calling out loudly. I do hate food waste, so I will not throw anything away but even chocolate doesn't keep forever. So it will be eaten, even after Christmas, even after every New Years resolution. But what kind of effect does it have on the body? The nice bit of chocolate which melts in the mouth? How does the saying go? "Five minutes on the lips, forever on the hips"?

I'm not only talking about the weight gain over the festive season. There are other health risks involved in a high calorie diet. High blood pressure, diabetes, chronic fatigue are all mainly results of a diet of too much of the wrong thing. 

So what is there to do? Well, maybe next time we could buy less, share more with other people but I find that a bit unfair. Why inflict the unhealthy food on other people? It is tricky if you got sweets as a present from a loved one because you have everything and do not need more stuff. Maybe you can make it last till Easter (and avoid the same problem by a strict "Not Buy Sweets" policy). Maybe you will still get some sweets as a present, but one year I ended up with not having a single Easter egg at all. Take your chance if you don't mind eating chocolate which is a bit white. 

There is also the option to use Homoeopathy to undo the damage the high living has done to you. There are at least two remedies to help you getting over the bad effects of sugar on your body, particularly if you craved it. There are also organ support remedies which can help your liver to get over the shock of having to work so hard. It goes without saying that this is not for self medication. So give me a call and we can work together to find out what you are needing. I have the time to listen to all you have to say, my initial appointments are seldom shorter than two (2) hours. Give me a call on 07813 195468 and take caring for yourself into your own hands.

Sweets for my sweet

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Thank you

New Year-New Chance

So now we have a new year and this means we have a new chance. A new chance to become rich and if not rich then at least have a bit more money. A new chance for a better job which is more fun, a new chance to find happiness, to find the love of your life, if you haven't got that yet. There is also a new chance for peace on Earth. 

There is always a chance to have something better, greater and more of it. But there is also a chance of loss, pain and a horrible chance that something bad might happen that will change our lives forever. Nobody can know the future and what might be happening. That is the reason why we wish ourselves and other people a happy new year. 

In Germany we have the tradition to eat Sauerkraut on New Years Eve or New Years Day. That is supposed to bring in more money in the new year. I always do that but I'm not sure if it worked, because I always could do with more money. And who cannot? I'm still not where I want to be, I'm still looking for more of everything. Does that mean that I'm not old yet or does it mean that I'm just ungrateful? 

I know that I have real issues with being grateful. Instead of being grateful for what I have I always want a better, bigger house, an orchard, a bigger garden, chickens, a pig, yeah, and more money. Do you know that feeling? 

I have to remind myself that I'm a lucky person who has a lot. I have food on my plate whenever I'm hungry and a roof over my head in all weathers. I can sleep in a warm, clean bed and when I'm cold there is always an extra jumper, a blanket and a hot water bottle. I know that a lot of people are not as lucky as I am. 

I was in Bath the other day and I have seen the people living on the road, sleeping in doorways on a cold December morning whereas I was heading to have breakfast in a warm, cosey place. Putting a coin in their paper cup is not a solution to their problem I know that, but I still sometimes do it. 

Gratefulness must be something you can learn I suppose and I really want to learn it. I think that I might get better at it but there is still that little nagging voice at the back of my head asking: "Why not have it all? You won't get it if you demand nothing". Is that true? 

Something I do know I'm eternally grateful for is learning about Homoeopathy. That was one of the best things which happened to me in my life. It gave me a tool to help myself and others in the most important topic of somebodies life, HEALTH! 

So, for here and now: "Thank you to Homoeopathy and to YOU for reading my blog about it.  HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Photograph by Roger Giraud-Saunders.

Sunday, 29 December 2024

Happy New Year

Have A Happy New Year

It is not only that Christmas with all its glory is over. No, there is a whole new year looming over us. I don't know about you, but I always feel very sad about that. I don't really know why, because I feel sad even if it was not a particularly good year. Maybe it is because another year of my life is gone, something nobody can bring back. 

Keeping in mind that time is only an extension of space, I try to concentrate on the positive things the New Year might bring. And of course, there will be lots of New Years Resolutions. One year I made the pledge to buy a new item of clothing for myself each month. I think I got to March till I couldn't be bothered anymore. I think that there are more important things in life, like looking after your health and taking it into your own hands. 

So why not make the pledge to be healthier in the coming year? Have a little walk every day, come rain or shine? Eat more fruit and vegetables? Take up a new sport? Why not make the pledge to try Homoeopathy? 

Homoeopathy is a natural system of medicine which is free of side effects and not addictive. Minute doses of substances derived from minerals and the animal and plant kingdom are used to stimulate the healing process within the body. It is safe for people of all ages including babies, and even for pregnant women. Homoeopathy works by supporting the immune system to restore itself to complete health. No long waits for getting your prescription, and Homoeopathy is sustainable medicine without any negative impact on the environment.

I feel so fortunate to have this tool to help people with all their health issues. Homoeopathy has always an answer, there is nothing you can not treat with Homoeopathy. Of course, you have to have the right remedy. Although I've been a qualified Homoeopath for 12 years, there's always more to learn about Homoeopathy. My pledge for next year is to learn even more to be the best I can be for you. Let me help you on your path to health in the new year. If you want to give it a go, contact me on 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you and have a happy start to the new year.

A new year is like the foggy path into the unknown.

Sunday, 22 December 2024

It's Christmas again


Christmas Is Here

When I was a child Christmas was the highlight of the year. All that waiting and hoping, the baking of Christmas cookies, and the decorating of the tree. It was so lovely and exciting , and then when Christmas was there, it was so lovely to go to church in the dark and sing the carols. At home we stood in front of the closed living room door, which was our Christmas room, and had to have a pee before my mother would unlock the door. In the sitting room my mother lit the candles on the tree and we would go in and sing our carols around the tree, not trying to turn around to peep for our pile of presents. I can remember one Christmas my aunt gave me three big bars of marzipan, and I ate them all in one go. I felt slightly sick afterwards, and it took a long time before I tucked into marzipan again.

When the festive season arrives, it is easy to overindulge in food and alcohol. Now that being together with friends and family, we might be particularly inclined to party hard. Lots of us also might end up with too much food on our hands because we went over the top to make sure that we have all we think we might need to have a good time together. You might be able to freeze some of it.  But if you overindulge or damage has already been done, Homoeopathy can help with the consequences. 

Nux-vomica is a good remedy for overindulgence, and gives relief very quickly. Homoeopathy can also help with overeating, comfort eating and stress eating in challenging situations but don't forget that Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine. So if one remedy doesn't work for you come and see me because you might need something else out of the over 3500 remedies Homoeopathy has to offer. 

Contact me on 07813 195468 to book an appointment.