Homoeopathy Awareness Week

Homoeopathy Awareness Week

On the 10th of April 2018 Homoeopathy Awareness Week starts with the birthday of Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homoeopathy.

He was born on the 10th of April 1755 in Meissen/Germany.

He studied not only medicine but chemistry as well and qualified as a physician in Leipzig in 1779. He also wrote books about medicine and chemistry as well as working as a medical doctor. 

He stopped working as a doctor because he was not happy about the way it was done at that time. But because he already had a family to support he started translating English medicine books into German. 

There it was that he first got the idea of proving "likes cures likes" when he translated the therapeutic indications of Peruvian Bark from the English "Materia Medica" by Professor Cullen of London University into German. He took some doses of Peruvian Bark or China as it is called and noticed that the substance actually produced exactly the same symptoms in his healthy self as it was suppose to cure in a person with Malaria. He might have done that because he had found evidence of the principles of "likes cures likes" in Old-Greek literature but nobody knows for sure.

In 1810 he published the book " Organon der Heilkunst" ( The means of the art of healing) about his discovery which he called "Homoeopathy". The word was derived from the Old-Greek words for similar suffering. He went back to working as a physician but practiced homoeopathy with amazing results. Even though he helped a lot of people, his fellow physicians who stuck with the old method where not happy about the way he practised. There was actually an uproar which seems to continue even today. 

But he got the ball rolling and more than 200 years later Homoeopathy is the second most used medicine worldwide. There are still some sceptics, saying that there is no evidence in Homoeopathy but can we really dismiss something that helped so many people?

Homoeopathy works for me! 

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - How I came to Homoeopathy

It is Homoeopathy Awareness Week and here is how I came to Homoeopathy. Homoeopathy works for me and if you want to try it, give me a ring. My contact number is: 07813 195468. Thank you for watching.

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - What is Homoeopathy?

So what is Homoeopathy? I explain it in my little video but if you want to know a bit more, do not hesitate, get in contact. Homoeopathy works for me!

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - Information about homoeopathic Remedies

In this little video I explain about homoeopathic medicine which is called "remedy". If you have any more questions or want a chat about homoeopathy, please get in contact. Thank you for watching.

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - What happens when you visit a Homoeopath?

So here is the next, little video to explain what you can expect when you visit a Homoeopath. If you have any more questions or want to book an appointment, please get in contact. Thank you for watching and special thanks to Aurelia Hantelmann for all the filming and help.

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - Case Study One!

Some years ago I was dealing with a case where the teenage patient was very much affected by the divorce of the parents. There were suicidal thoughts and eating disorders where the patient was trying to starve to death. 

The patient appeared to be very closed and didn't want to talk at all about any problems. One thing that was submitted was that there was a strong craving for table salt. The whole symptom picture of the patient fitted the remedy picture of Natrum-muriaticum, a homoeopathic preparation of table salt, very well as I found after working through the case. 

The remedy was administered and taken. At the follow up consultation the patient was starting to talk about the problems which caused the symptoms. Natrum-muriaticum was still indicated and another dose was given. At the next follow up consultation the patient was even crying and admitted that there were huge problems. That was the start of a good working relationship between the patient and me and the patient opened up in this safe and caring environment.

Opening up helped the patient to move on. This process took some time but today the patient is a strong, independent person enjoying life to the full.

This case was admitted with full consent and approval of the patient.

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - Case Study Two!

Today I want to tell you again what a wonderful kind of medicine Homoeopathy is. 

I was dealing with a case where a patient was suffering from sleepless nights during her divorce. There were lots of worries about money and she agonised all night about what her still-husband would do to her next. Her inability to sleep affected her ability to function during the day very much. She felt too exhausted to care for her children properly and attend her training course. She was also very anxious about her future. 

A dose of Cocculus-indicus, a homoeopathic preparation of Indian cockle, helped her to sleep so she could get the strength to care for her children, keep doing her training to high standards and deal with the irrational behaviour of her still-husband.

This case was submitted with full permission and approval of the patient.

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - Case Study 3

A few years ago I was dealing with a case of phantom pain. The patient had tried all sorts of treatment to be able to deal with the constant severe pain after the amputation of one limb. It either didn't work or knocked the patient out to such an extent that no normal every day life was possible.

The pain was so severe that the patient would collapse on the floor unable to respond in any form, but not unconscious. After this acute pain would vanish, there would be a less severe lingering pain for days on end. It would be less severe but still very painful. At the best of times this less severe lingering pain would fade into a constant sensation of "pins and needles". The patient actually almost never reached the "pins and needles"- state.

After a dose of Symphythum, the homoeopathic preparation of Comfrey or Knitbone, the pain became less severe and the patient didn't have the very severe bouts of pain anymore. Ledum, the homoeopathic preparation of Wild Rosemary, helped further more and the patient reached the "pins and needles" -state.

Then there was a relapse where the patient felt severe pain again but not to the same extent as before. There was just the very painful sensation that the limb was squeezed in a vice. A dose of Spigelia, the homoeopathic preparation of Pinkroot, sorted that out and it it never came back.

Now the patient is well and doesn't need my help any more.

This case has been submitted with the full consent and approval of the patient.

Homoeopathy Awareness Week 2018

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - Homoeopathy works for me!

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - Homoeopathy works for me!

So today is the last day of Homoeopathy Awareness Week 2018. 

Think about this: If you dissolve a grain of sugar in a cup of water, is the sugar gone just because the water doesn't taste sweet????

People often say that Homoeopathy cannot work because the remedy is so highly diluted that nothing of the original substance is left in the homoeopathic medicine. Is that right? After the 12th dilution there seems to be no molecule of the original substance left anymore. This number is what we Homoeopaths call "Avogadro's number". 

But Homoeopathy is not about chemistry. There doesn't have to a molecule left in the homoeopathic medicine because Homoeopathy works with quantum physics. 

I must admit that this is quite difficult to understand, so I do appreciate that a lot of people have difficulties to understand how Homoeopathy works. It is not easy to understand and to get your head around that. Not everybody is as clever as Steven Hawking so let me try and explain this to you as easily as I can. 

It starts with the fact that water is a very special substance. It can not only defy gravity but can also be solid or liquid at 0℃. It can also copy and carry information from other substances like your computer does. That is what it does in Homoeopathy. This is called EPITAXIS. This is not to be confused with EPISTAXIS which is the medical word for a nosebleed. 

I'm quite sure you heard about the saying that the amount makes the poison. High quantities are poisonous, a medium amount is neutral and a small amount is beneficial. The smaller the amount, the more beneficial. That is how it happens in Homoeopathy. White Arsenic, a very poisonous substance which has caused the death of many people, is the very useful homoeopathic remedy, Arsenicum-album, for colds and diarrohea. 

You've got a telephone, or even a mobile, and a computer? How many people understand how that works? And yet people say Homoeopathy doesn't work???

Think about that: If you dissolve a grain of sugar in a cup of water, is the sugar gone just because the water doesn't taste sweet????

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