Monday, 7 May 2018

The Weekly Update - Hayfever

The Weekly Update - Hayfever

Last week I was talking about what we can do for an acute Hayfever attack and how we could deal with your acute symptoms of runny, itchy eyes and noses.

Do not despair there is something you can do to get rid of your Hayfever permanently.

This week I want to explain a bit more about the long term treatment for Hayfever with Homoeopathy. Some people have lived with Hayfever for quite a long time. The longer you lived with Hayfever, the longer it will take to get rid of it. A constitutional approach would be required to do so. This means that treatment would continue after the acute symptoms had gone. Then I would match your personality with the most suitable homoeopathic medicine. This usually happens during the initial consultation but if you contacted me just to get rid of your acute Hayfever symptoms we might have treated them first without going any deeper. This would now need to be the case throughout the winter. After the first constitutional prescription there would need to be a follow up in 4 weeks time to see how you are doing. There might be more follow ups needed but by the next spring your Hayfever symptoms should be a lot less severe, and easy to treat with acute homoeopathic medicines. It might take some years to get rid of the symptoms completely so it would be necessary for you to continue the treatment till your symptoms are gone but that doesn't mean that you would need to see me every 4 weeks. 

Homoeopathy is a very gentle and effective way of treating Hayfever because it is very easy to take at any time and has no side effects at all. So if you want to get rid of your Hayfever, get in contact.

Forget-me-not-Your Hayfever treatment

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