Sunday, 9 September 2018

Stings and Bites

Stings and bites

It was a really hot summer. It is cooler now, I think the summer is gone for good.

According to the paper the hot weather increased the number of insects which can bite and sting you. The hot weather also made the fruit on bushes and trees ripen earlier and sweeter but the dry weather made the trees shed a lot of their load. Apparently the fallen fruit on the ground attract wasps who gorge on it and then become giddy and drunken and more aggressive. So watch out. It was advised to clear all the fallen fruit from the ground. 

There also seem to be an increase in mosquitoes because their breeding grounds were warmer. They only need tiny amounts of water to breed so pour away even the standing water in your out door pot plant saucers.

The increase in biting and stinging insects mean that it is more likely that you get stung and bitten. The reactions to that might be as mild and as annoying as horrible itching or as severe as an anaphylactic shock. It is particularly dangerous if you have been stung in the mouth and throat which can happen easily when you are eating outdoors. Be aware of open cans and check for wasps which like to fly and crawl into a sweet smelling can before you have another sip. A drinking straw might help to avoid getting stung, the use of which I would advise. There are paper straws available now which are better for the environment.

So, in case you have been stung in the mouth, seek medical help immediately. As first aid you can put some Aconite under your tongue to cope with the shock and suck an ice cube to reduce swelling.

The best remedy for mosquito  and other bites is the homoeopathic remedy Ledum. Forget the onions and all the chemical stuff you can buy in boots. Ledum is THE thing and I know what I'm talking about. I have been stung all my life and my mother used to say that my blood was too sweet. I spent many sleepless nights with vinegar wrappings and onion slices on my various itching bites to no avail, only leaving me smelling like a pickled gherkin, as well as an itchy one. I can remember not being able to sleep because the bites were itching so badly that I had to scratch till they bled but that didn't help the itching either. That was before I had Homoeopathy. If I get bitten today, I just take some Ledum and the itching stops in no time. Give it a go. So no danger of scratching the bite till it bleeds because that can cause infection.

Please be aware that you should always seek medical help if you experience swelling of the face, severe swelling on the site of the bite and/or breathing problems.

Keep the bees in the sunflower.


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