Sunday, 23 September 2018

Mind Over Matter

Mind over Matter

Recently I was thinking a lot about how a positive mind can have a positive impact on your life.

It seems that expecting a positive outcome might actually lead to a positive outcome.

But what if you are not able to be positive? What if you are born with a doomsday mind? This is what we call a psoric miasm in Homoeopathy.  You can try and be positive. You can tell yourself to be positive in your mind over and over again. It seems that if you just stretch your mouth into a smile that you will actually feel better after 3 minutes. It doesn't really matter that you feel like an idiot grinning into space for 3 minutes when you are actually feel better after that, does it???

The other option is trying Homoeopathy which might make it a lot easier to be positive in your mind. It definitely helped me a lot to change my attitude over the years. Now I know that I have an option and that worrying all the time doesn't help anybody or make anything better. 

And what I actually found is that it really works. Going to open a letter from HMS Revenue and Customs? Think positive and it might be just a notification that you should submit your tax return and not a bill. Still bad news? Then go on to submit your tax return with a positive mind and it will go well.

If you have difficulties staying positive, contact me and we can talk about your concerns. I'm a very good listener and I have your welfare in mind. Homoeopathy is a wonderful tool and there is always an answer. So, try thinking positive, smile for 3 minutes and then contact me.

Have a lovely Sunday!

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