Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Homoeopathy and weight loss

Homoeopathy and weight loss

I was thinking a lot about homoeopathy and weight loss recently. So many people are unhappy about the shape of their body and apart from unhappiness, an unhealthy body weight can cause serious health problems. I'm not taking about being skinny. 

A lot of problems with weight start with too much intake of sugar. Sugar is every where and the days are gone when a slice of cake or a biscuit was a random treat.

We eat too much sugar, every day. The daily recommended amount is 50 gram a day but that is easily achieved, even if you don't eat anything sweet. There is hidden sugar in savory ready prepared dishes as well, look at tomato ketchup.

We do not need any sugar in our diet to get all the nutrients we need but it tastes sooo good.

There is actually a lot you can do to avoid too much sugar in your every day diet. Cook everything from scratch. Don't have a treat like a chocolate bar, piece of cake or biscuits every day, make that something very special. 

And there is actually HOMOEOPATHY which can help to manage that sugar craving. Ask me for advice.