Sunday, 15 April 2018

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - Case Study 2

Homoeopathy Awareness Week - Case Study Two!

Today I want to tell you again what a wonderful kind of medicine Homoeopathy is. 

I was dealing with a case where a patient was suffering from sleepless nights during her divorce. There were lots of worries about money and she agonised all night about what her still-husband would do to her next. Her inability to sleep affected her ability to function during the day very much. She felt too exhausted to care for her children properly and attend her training course. She was also very anxious about her future. 

A dose of Cocculus-indicus, a homoeopathic preparation of Indian cockle, helped her to sleep so she could get the strength to care for her children, keep doing her training to high standards and deal with the irrational behaviour of her still-husband.

This case was submitted with full permission and approval of the patient.

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