Sunday, 28 October 2018

The End of Summer Time

The End of Summer Time!

Here we are again at the end of Summer Time. If you haven't already changed your clocks, you can do it now. Don't forget to change it back, we "gain" an hour, so that you won't be embarrassingly early for work tomorrow morning.

It is not always so easy to change your body clock though. It is a weird feeling when your body is telling you that it is hungry but it is only 11 o'clock and nobody is going to serve lunch at this time.

Another matter is the fact that the changing of the clock actually disrupts your sleep pattern. Here Homoeopathy might come to your aid.

Cocculus Indicus is the number one remedy for deranged sleep patterns, might it be due to shift work, travelling or changing of the clocks. I also always use it for myself if I don't have enough time to sleep and am in danger of getting a headache because of that.

I can remember one occasion when we were actually late for a church service one spring Sunday morning when the clocks changed forward, and I completely forgot about it, but that was before I had Homoeopathy. It was sooo embarrassing!

Don't forget to change the clocks.

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