Sunday, 7 April 2019

Dare to be yourself

Love Yourself - Dare to be yourself!

I was talking to a young man recently and he told me that he wished a happy birthday to the wrong girl because he could not tell them apart! I suddenly realised that this happened to me before as well when I looked across the room thinking I spotted one girl but realised that it was another one and had to correct myself again. I put that down to my age or eye sight, or something. 

No, it is not me. It is that the girls look all the same and it is difficult to tell them apart at first glance or if you do not know them very well. I recognised that with women as well. Certain ages have a kind of stereotype outfit. I can understand that there is a certain comfort in vanishing in a crowd and it can be an advantage, as I found out in my Italian lessons back in my student days. I didn't learn my words and didn't know the answers so I used to duck over my book as if seeking wisdom when Mrs. Bauer-Cappeloni glanced over the rows of students. 

I can also understand the fascinating beauty of a garden full of the same flowers. Yes, imagine a garden full of orange calendula. Would you notice the beauty of the individual flower? How long would it take for the eye to get bored? Is it not nicer to have a garden full of different flowers? Each beautiful and different?

Girls, you are beautiful. Ladies, you are beautiful. You do not have to look the same. You don't have to hide behind a mask of make up because your skin, your face, your body are BEAUTIFUL. Dare to be yourself and look like you look. 

This is what I love about Homoeopathy. It is a very individual medicine which looks at EVERY person individually, because everybody is beautifully different. It caters for YOUR needs and you are getting treated, not the illness that plagues you. This is so exciting and wonderful, like YOU!

This question just occurred to me: Why do we have to DARE to be ourselves? 

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