Sunday, 7 January 2024

Phantom pain

The Phantom Of The Body

I hope that you all had a good start to the year. We are almost back to normal again. For a lot of people tomorrow will be the real start to the new year, new decade and working life again. A lot of schools start again tomorrow as well, and I'm quite sure that a lot of coughs and colds wait to be shared around. Don't forget that Homoeopathy is a wonderful medicine to help with coughs and colds, and other health issues, chronic or acute, as well. 

But.... Is it really working? This seems to be an endless discussion. Can something so highly diluted really do anything? In potencies over 12c there is no molecule of the original substance left. Is it really working or can the phantom of a substance only be good for hypochondriacs and the phantom of a pain? It is pretty weird that a body part which is not there any more can cause so much pain. 

Pain after amputations is a fairly common occurrence and nobody knows how it works out. It also can be a very severe pain, and not a lot can be done about it. It can either be switched on or off, there is nothing in between where you still can function in every day life, hold down a job and be fairly pain free. Only Homoeopathy can provide that. 

There are some obvious remedies which can help with pain management like Hypericum and Symphythum which act mainly on the nerves, but Homoeopathy can do more. Because it is a very individualised medicine, the right remedy depends on how the pain is experienced. It work brilliantly without knocking the person out. It is not only good after amputations but for other sorts of phantom pain as well, when pain is experienced when nothing should hurt like in some forms of back pain and headaches. So get in contact if you are fed up with being in pain all the time, Homoeopathy might have the answer for you. My number is 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you and work with you to get you pain free. 

Don't get entangled in a web of pain

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