Sunday, 16 July 2023

A beautiful friend

A Friend In The Garden

Today I want to introduce you to a wonderful little flower. They look very pretty with their yellow to orange flower heads and are very prolific bloomers. In my garden they grow like weeds and I don't mind that. I pick the petals, dry them and put them into oil to use for my creams. You might have guessed, I'm talking about marigold or calendula. They are used in herbal medicine for skin problems and I can tell you that a calendula cream is wonderful on the feet, even if there is nothing wrong with them.

But did you know that this garden beauty is also a very good homoeopathic remedy? Calendula officinalis is the first aid remedy of choice when you have an abrasive wound. It can also be used as a tincture diluted with water (15 drops in 50 ml of ionized water)  to clean the wound. It is indicated when the pain the wound is causing is in no relation to the size of the wound. 

Calendula can do even more. It can also help with the healing of deep surgical wounds but that should be left to the profession. Don't forget that Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine and First Aid just means that you need to see a medical professional when dealing with wounds after you administered First Aid. If you want to know a bit more about Homoeopathy and how it might help you, or to book an appointment, contact me on 07813 195468


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