Sunday 30 June 2024

It is you

 You Are Special

The weather is turning again and with it being really heavy we might expect thunderstorms. Are you afraid of thunderstorms or are you really excited about them? Would you rather hide under your bed or in a dark corner or do you love watching them? 

Everybody is different even though we all belong to the human race. Everybody has different likes and dislikes and it is a great thing if you find likeminded people. It is the same when you are ill. Some things feel the same, like it hurts when you bump into something and then you get a bruise. But it might be that you do not feel the pain or that you do not bruise so easily. Some people bruise very easily and sometimes don't even know where they got injured. 

So what kind of person are you? Do you like fruit and hate curry or do you love chocolate? Do you love the sea or do you hate it? Do you like the heat or can you not stand the heat? 

All your likes and dislikes do matter to me because I'm a Homoeopath and in order to help you I would need to know as much as possible about you. This is not because I'm particularly noisy or intrusive, no. I just need to know as much as possible about you and your feelings because this would help me to find the right remedy for you. If you love the sea and feel better at the sea side I might prescribe Natrum muriaticum to you, but all the other keynotes would need to fit as well. 

It can sometimes be really hard to find the right remedy because there are over 3500 to choose from. If you would fit the keynotes of Natrum muriaticum but are worse for smoke then you would need Spigelia. 

So here is your chance to talk about you and you alone. This is about you and how you feel, so that we can look after you. Let Homoeopathy be YOUR alternative and give me a call on 07813 195468. Love to hear from YOU.


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