Red sky
When The Angels
I can remember when I was a child that my mother used to tell me that the angels were making cookies whenever the sky was red. A lovely idea but even as a child I thought that there must be an awful lot of cookies in heaven and I was wondering who was going to eat them.
Down on earth the business of baking was not done so frequently even though I do love baking, and eating, cake and biscuits. As a student it was a real luxury for me to bake cake or biscuits. Money was short and butter, sugar and eggs were expensive. But it is not only the money which can make baking tricky. There is heat involved in baking as well and heat means that you can get burned. I was baking on Monday and even though I'm an experienced baker, well not professionally but, I got myself burned. It was not really serious. For serious burns, which means burns other that just being red or having a small blister, and which are bigger than the palm of your hand or which are on your face or head, you should always seek medical help. It is better to be on the safe side with burns because they can also become infected.
But even small, not very serious burns can be painful. If you burned yourself you should run the burned patch under warm water, as warm as you can stand it. I know it was common practice not long ago to run a burn under cold water but this is not a good idea because it only numbs the place and the pain comes back as soon as you stop the water. On top of that, the cold water stops the blood flowing to the wound and therefore stops the healing process straight away because you need blood on the side. Also warm water doesn't hurt the rest of your skin like cold water does. Then you must decide how serious your burn is and if you might need medical help. You can look it up on the NHS website or just go with your feelings.
Well, my burn was not so serious. I was happy with the warm water and Homoeopathy to deal with the rest. There was a bit of pain so I used Causticum which took the pain straight away. If there would have been a blister I would have used Cantharis but using warm water directly after the burn happened hardly leads to a blister. Please note, that this is not guidance for self medication. If you are in doubt, always seek medical help. And don't forget that Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine and that it has to be tailored to your needs in order to work. Get in contact on 07813 195468 to discuss your needs.
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