Sunday, 6 March 2022


The Father Of All Things?

Remember, this is the 21st Century. We write the year 2022 not 1939. History seems to repeat itself, over and over again. It is 104 years ago that the war which should have ended all wars ended and mankind is still fighting. I would have thought that in a society where technology is so developed, there would be other methods to negotiate than shooting and killing. Did we not learn to talk to each other? Are there no other ways than killing people and locking up primary school children who don't want war? 

Why destroy a beautiful country which is the corn chamber of Europe? Why not care for all things living in that beautiful country? It is destruction and the need to destroy. Why is there the need to have more territory when your country is the biggest in the world already?  Why suppress and control people you should guide and care for? 

So many questions and only one answer.

I was participating in a webinar last week where I got my answers. It was a webinar about the syphilitic miasm. Miasms in Homoeopathy are an inherited taint. They stem from the disease Syphilis itself which was very common in past history. 

It is a disease which starts mildly on top of the skin as mostly painless ulcers. The disease goes deeper and affects the lymph nodes. In the secondary stage there is fever, the lymph nodes enlarge and there is a general feeling of not being well. Usually a faint red rash develops as well but that persists only for 1-2 weeks and then the disease can go dormant for months or even years before it enters the third stage where tumor like masses form all over the body. It this stage Syphilis causes serious damage to heart and blood vessels or the brain and spinal cord. In the end it leads to insanity and total destruction. 

This destruction is the keynote in the syphilitic miasm and it might be apparent as homicidal or suicidal tendencies. This destruction shows in the physical body of the person and in the mind as well. Could it be that a dose of the Homoeopathic remedy Syphilinum could save the world? 

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