Sunday, 17 April 2022

Hopey Easter



It is Easter, Lent is over, the time of suffering is over, now there can be a feast and happiness again. Easter is the time when Jesus Christ arose from the dead in Christian belief. It is the time of resurrection, the time of renewal. 

We all have dark times in our life, particularly now  as we come out of the pandemic to go straight into a war. As if the suffering  of the people was not enough. But Easter is about hope and joy. At the moment it seems that there is no joy, no hope with the situation as it is in the Ukraine. Let us all hope that there will be an end to this war soon. Coming out of the dark times would be like a resurrection. 

Homoeopathy can give you back the hope, the hope for health, the hope for the future. It helps you out of all those dark places and can ease the burden while you are still in it. 

In Homoeopathy we treat the whole person and that includes the mental and emotional state. There is nothing like " just a broken leg". People deal differently with disaster. Some people can be very cheerful in their shock, some are in a terrified state. The mental/emotional state of the suffering person decides the remedy. Homoeopathy is the medicine of the future and it has served us well in the past. It is up to you to receive this gift. If you are interested please call me on 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you.

There can be beauty even in hard circumstances

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