Sunday, 23 October 2022

Golden October

The Dark Season

It was a beautiful night. On the ground there was a light mist but high above you cold see the stars and the waning moon. Because of the mist on the ground the moon looked as if it had a big halo around it. It was a bit spooky as well because all around me the mist was dripping from the leaves of the trees. 

Well, we are heading towards Halloween, so a bit of spookiness doesn't go amiss. I noticed that it gets darker earlier as well and it is really cold in the morning, most of the time. During the day we have the lovely sun shine and it still can get quite hot. 

So the perfect weather to get a cold because you do not know what to wear. You might leave the house in your warm jacket and need it but when you get home it is so warm, that you might be sweating. It is always a bit tricky to get it right but at this time of year it seems almost impossible. 

Don't worry, with Homoeopathy a cold is not a big thing. If you have the right remedy and start early enough, it is even possible to nip an oncoming cold in the bud. That is what I'm here for. I have been studying Homoeopathy for 5 years and know how to help you and what remedy might suit you. Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine and it can only work if you have the right remedy for you in this situation, but you do not need to do anything apart from giving me a call on 07813 195468.  

Homoeopathy can also help if you suffer regularly with colds or sore throats. A constitutional treatment would be needed to go deeper into your system to eliminate the forces which make you ill. This might take a bit longer but is, again, something which should be left for the trained Homoeopath. Homoeopathy is without any side effects and it is suitable for all ages, and even in pregnancy. So why not give it a go and call me straight away? The number is 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you. 


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