Sunday, 20 November 2022

Ten years

Getting On

I only recently recognized that this year I will be celebrating my tenth anniversary of being in business as a Homoeopath. 

I can remember when I came to England 17 years ago I was looking for something meaningful to do with my time. I was a user of Homoeopathy already and when I saw the advertisement of the British school of Homoeopathy in a magazine that their new courses were about to begin in September I did apply. I got in and it was difficult doing all that stuff in a foreign language. I must admit that it was tough going and it took me 5 years till I could complete my training and was able to graduate. 

I'm very proud that I did it. The next difficult step was setting up a business and I didn't have a clue what to do but I managed and now I'm still here. I'm still learning, visiting seminars whenever I can and doing webinars when I'm not seeing patients. I personally never use anything else than Homoeopathy for all my health issues and the only doctor I saw while in the UK is a dentist. I have been able to help so many people with their health problems and must admit that it is so beautiful to see them getting better. 

Homoeopath has always an answer and helping people without hope is something very gratifying. I sincerely can say that Homoeopathy saved my life in so many ways and I cannot praise it enough. If you want to make use of the knowledge I summed up during my training and my 10 years in practice give me a ring on 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you. 


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