Homoeopathy for strains and sprains
It happens so quickly. One unguarded step down the curb and you twisted your ankle and hurt your back. One heavy box too much before you go home and the damage is done to your back.
But there is something you can do about this....
Homoeopathy for strains and sprains
Arnica montana is a wonderful homoeopathic remedy for all injuries and trauma in all forms however remote or recent they were. It acts as a muscular tonic and reduces the swelling. It is good for soreness after overexertion and if you have a sprained and dislocated feeling. Limps might ache as if beaten and there is joint and muscle pain from injury in this remedy.
Rhus toxicodendron is another good homoeopathic remedy for pains from over-lifting or overuse particularly if the back is involved. This remedy is particularly suited if the injury is a result of stretching high up to reach something. Pain might be better after moving around for a while but gets worse as soon as you rest again. The backache feels as if the back would break but is getting better by hard pressure. It might be difficult to find a comfortable position in bed.
Ruta graveolens is particularly indicated if the damage has been done to tendons and joints.
If symptoms persist seek the help of a qualified Homoeopath or health professional.
Remedies can be obtained from Holland & Barrett or Helios Pharmacy.