Monday, 2 July 2018

That is why I am a Homoeopath

That is why I am a Homoeopath!

I still have my Permaculture weekend in my head. There was something really interesting which was talked about on Sunday. It showed understanding atoms doesn't mean that you understand cells. If you understand cells it doesn't mean that you understand organs and if you understand organs you still have to learn about systems. Understanding systems doesn't mean you know about people and to really know people you have to understand family. When you understand family you still don't know about the community. To me this just simplifies the approach we have in Homoeopathy. It is basically a reminder that you have to look at the whole person and at the whole system the person is living in. Disease is not an isolated thing. It is not just the heart, skin or liver which is sick. It is the whole person. In Homoeopathy we take everything into account, even the history, medical history and the family history. That is the important thing if you want to understand what makes people ill.

So think about it, you are not really emotionally at your best when you have just broken your leg. It has an effect on your mental/emotional state as well as on your whole life. With Homoeopathy you get looked after the holistic way. Everything is taken into account to make you better. So why not consider it? Contact me if you want to know a bit more about it!

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