Sunday, 18 November 2018

Prepare for the cold

Shape up, Winter is coming!

We cannot complain, we've had a lovely, sunny autumn so far. This might be the end of it because next week it is going to get colder. There is something you can do to boost your immune system, you can do it in the comfort of your own home and it is really cheap. 

This is cold water treatment after having had your hot bath or shower. It is very easy. Turn the water off completely. Just get the shower head off the shower hose and turn the cold water on. Now you run the water jet up the left leg and then up the right leg. This is from the foot to the top of the leg. Now run it up the left arm, from wrist to shoulder and the up the right arm. 

If that is a bit cold for you, you can just do your face every morning. Wash it with cold water once or twice a day. 

That should keep all those germs and bacteria at bay, but if you do get a cold in spite of all your efforts there is always Homoeopathy to ward it off and shorten length and suffering.

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