One Apple A Day!
There is the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Particularly if it is an organic apple out of your own garden or locally grown. Actually it is not always as easy as that.
This week the first international Homoeopathic Congress "United to heal" started and some of the practitioners who where interviewed mentioned their growing concern about the state of health of this planet and its inhabitants. Our food and our water are polluted with nitrates and plastic. People do not know what to eat anymore. Lots of people try to supplement their diet with artificial vitamins and minerals without actually knowing if their body needs any supplements. This can lead to health problems itself, particularly in pregnant women. What should we eat when a tomato contains only 80% of magnesium today compared to 30 years ago? It might be a solution to eat organic fruit and vegetables, or to grow as much as you can yourself.
Don't drink tap water because of the nitrates was an other advice just when I was trying to cut down on plastic bottles. I'm a bit at a loss but one thing was pointed out and I agree completely with, and that is that we can be so grateful to have Homoeopathy because it always has an answer and is here to help us. So if your apple a day is not enough to keep you healthy, come and see me and we can find a solution to your health problem together with Homoeopathy.
One apple a day.....this might be the one! |
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