Fly Me To The Moon And Back
From an very early age on I've learned about the importance of sleep. My mother was a single parent living on benefits till she got the chance to do a paper round in the morning. Being a very independent person she grabbed the chance of earning her living early in the morning while being able to look after her children during the day. She would get up at about 3 o'clock in the morning to do her paper round which got bigger and bigger over the years, just to come home at about 7 o'clock in the morning to have breakfast and send us off to school. Then she would do the house work and the cooking to have the main meal of the day ready when we got home from school after 1 o'clock. She would then have her afternoon nap while we children were supposed to do the washing up and our home work. This was the tricky bit because you have to have peace and quiet to be able to sleep. One thing I found out during that time is that children doing the washing up and their home work and peace and quiet are not going together very well, well not in our household. So it was always a struggle for my mother to get some sleep and going to bed early was essential. This didn't work out all the time either, but when she was asleep it was a no no to wake her up. Sleep was sacred.
As a result of her sleep deprivation my mother was constantly exhausted, tired and irritable. Later in life she became very depressed and still had difficulties sleeping. This is not really a surprise. In some countries sleep deprivation is a method to torture people. Sleep is very important for the health of our brain and for the liver as well. I can always remember a friend who was amazed what kind of hallucinations you get when you don't sleep. Sleep boosts your immune system and children grow during sleep.
There are a lot of people who cannot sleep and night time is the most difficult time of their life. You do not have to resort to alcohol or sleeping pills, there is a more gentle way to get to sleep. Homoeopathy can help by getting to the root of your problem. There are remedies which mirror your symptoms. For example if you cannot sleep because your heart is beating very fast, something young mothers experience when they just have an hour to sleep and can't, then coffea tosta might be the right remedy to help. There are lot of other remedies to help you sleep but no self medication, please, you need to know what are you doing so let me know if you need any help.
Night time is not a time of rest for everybody. |
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