Sunday, 17 February 2019

The importance to feel that you matter

You Are Important!

Have you ever had that funny feeling that your health professional would like to see the back of you? Get you out of the room soon? Don't want to hear any more questions? Did you ever have the feeling that you and your health problems only matter to you and were not really important to the person who should help and support you in difficult times?

I have experienced this quite a lot. Once I had an appointment for my daughter with a dermatologist. We had to wait for 6 weeks to get this appointment. Once in the consulting room we were given 5 minutes to tell him all about the problem, ask all the questions and get a treatment plan. Just when I wanted to ask one last question he told me that our time was over and that we have to arrange another appointment. I couldn't believe my ears. Here I was, feeling that I put the future life of my daughter into this man's hands and he just told me that I have to arrange another appointment because he was not willing to spend another 2 minutes with us. There and then I realised that he was not really interested in helping my daughter. Her ailments, her suffering, did not matter to him. I felt helpless and angry, and of course, we never went back.

I had another experience with a councillor who told me that my time was over when I just started to tell him about the problems I experienced regarding my divorce. It left me helpless and without advice for another 4 weeks.

The acupuncturist I used to see was very good but kept changing my appointments which had been arranged 4 weeks in advance. They were cancelled 2 days before they could happen because something came up so I could not be seen. Don't get me wrong. I do understand that things might happen within 4 weeks, but every time???? I did realise then that it was not important to her to see me. Everything else was more important and maybe I was not sick enough to be seen on time. So I decided that I did not need this in my life.

I know that not everybody is like that. There are caring and compassionate people out there who genuinely want to help and do their uttermost.

I know for sure that at Parkfields Homoeopathy I do the very best I can to help my patients and give them all the time they need. That is the reason why the initial consultation can take up to 3 hours and the follow ups are not limited to half an hour. I only had to cancel an appointment once because I was really sick and causing quite a substantial health hazard.


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