Sunday, 10 February 2019

Hypnos and Somnus

Make Friends With Hypnos

It is always good to have good friends. Make Hypnos one of yours.

Who is Hypnos??? Well, Hypnos was the god of sleep in ancient Greece. You know the ancient people of Greece and Rome had a god for everything. The ancient Romans liked to copy the ancient Greeks so they took Hypnos, the Greek  god of sleep, and called him Somnus. Hence the word "Somnambulism" for sleepwalking and "Insomnia" for sleeplessness.

Hypnos was the son of Nyx, the night and Erebus, the deep darkness. I don't think that he had a particularly exciting life. Some sources say that he lived in a cave whose entrance was full of poppies and some sources say that he lived in Hades, the underworld in ancient Greece. Nevertheless he had a wife, called Pasithea and some sons, one of them was Morpheus, the god of dreams. He also had a twin brother who was called Thanatos, and guess who he was.... Yes, he was the god of death, but we want to concentrate and make friends with Hypnos. It just shows how close sleep and death are and that you can end up with the other one if you do not get enough of the first.

Homoeopathy is not as old as the ancient Greeks but the principle that small amounts of substances are most powerful in healing and the knowledge that you need similar things to cure ailments were known even then.

Homoeopathy can help you to make lifelong friends with Hypnos and give you a bit of one of his sons Morpheus. It can even release you from the hands of one of his other sons, Phobetor, the god of nightmares. There are many homoeopathic remedies to help, depending on your problems. Get in contact if you want to know a bit more of how to make friends with Hypnos under 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you! 

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