Love yourself - Food Part 1
Love Yourself - Food Part 1
I've noticed that more and more people become gluten intolerant without actually being a coeliac. Coeliac disease, or in medical terms gluten enteropathy, is a condition in which, due to a permanent sensitivity to gliadin, the small intestines fail to digest and absorb food. Gliadin is a protein which is contained in gluten of the germ of wheat. Only 0.1 - 0.2% of the population is affected and, if you have it, you have it from birth. This is nothing you develop later in life. The symptoms are failure to strive, a bloated abdomen and frothy foul smelling stools. It can only be treated by a strict life long diet without any gluten.
So why is it that more and more people cannot digest wheat? Wheat is and was a staple in our diet. I was wondering for a while why this was like that when I came across the proving of Einkorn, Triticum monococcum, the ancient form of wheat. This proving was conducted by Kate Birch, an American Homoeopath, in April 2017. She was originally looking for a remedy which could help to undo the damage done by vaccination. She was looking for something ancient, something that would reconnect us to the planet and nature. She was also horrified by the pollution and destruction of the planet and our food, the fact that there is still war and what we humans do to each other and our fellow creatures. She felt the intense urgency and panic to solve the problems, to find an answer and the horror at the realisation that we are at the brink of extinction.
Wheat is the staff of life. It has been feeding people for more than 3500 years. When humankind started to settle, growing and storing wheat and keeping animals helped them to survive the winter and periods where food was sparse. Being able to store wheat gave you power over people who were not able to store wheat or not enough wheat to survive and feed their family. So wheat quickly became a method to gain power and influence. That was driving the greed to grow more of the stuff and to store more. There were even times when wheat was kept in short supply to gain higher prices even when the harvest was sufficient. That lead to the adulteration and genetic modification of wheat to gain higher yield.
One of the answers why people lose the ability to digest wheat might be that the adulterated, modern wheats' gluten is indigestible but serves the opioid receptors in the body which leads to food addiction and obesity.
Kate Birch conducted the proving of Einkorn with a group of women in Turkey where wheat was originally grown. She used grain which was grown from the 2 grains of Einkorn found on the mumified body of the ancient corpse found in the ice of the Oetztaler Alpen in 1991. She got amazing results. There was a deep tiredness experienced by the provers and there was a big theme of mothers being connected with children. There was also a profound sadness and the fear of loosing babies and children. It is too much to cover everything here but if you are interested to can watch the film Kate Birch made after the proving on You Tube. It is called "The homoeopathic proving of Einkorn".
At the end of the film she says that her daughter has been missing for the whole year since the proving was conducted. Strangely enough, I came across the proving when I just returned from Germany visiting my family and missing my children very much, feeling a deep sadness.
I haven't obtained the remedy yet but got the flour after some difficulties and baked some bread. It is delicious.
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