Sunday, 6 August 2023

A walk in the woods

A Walk In The Woods

So did you take your walk in the woods? Did you enjoy it? Or are you going to do it today, over the weekend? Did you plan any outdoor activities? 

Watch out, there might not only be pleasant moments. Don't forget there are other creatures out there, some of them might be on the lookout for you. Ticks for example. Ticks, like Mosquitos, need blood to reproduce. There are certain things you can do to prevent being bitten, like cover up completely and wear dark colours. Avoid strolling through long grass with no socks on or in sandals but it still happens and you can get bitten. 

The bad thing is that ticks transmit lyme disease which is caused by a spirochaete called Borrelia Burgdorferi. It can cause a rash in form of a ring around the site of the bite which is also called a bull's eye rash but that is only in 30% of the people bitten the case. Most people never notice that they have been bitten by a tick and a lot of tests to detect the spirochaete are negative inspite of people having Lyme's disease because they can hide in tissues. If detected early a course of antibiotics can avoid the dangers of the disease. So what do you do when you don't even know that you have been bitten? The rash does not always develop and the tick lets go as soon as it has sucked enough blood. They like to bite in places where it is warm and dark like under the arms or in the folds of the skin, in the groin or the back.  

You can search your body and have a shower as soon as you get back in from a walk. As soon as you recognise that you have been bitten you should see a health practioner. People can get all sorts of health issues after a bite even though they might not have recognised that they have been bitten. The diagnosis might take a long time because Lyme can mimic a lot of other diseases and has multiple symptoms. 

In Homoeopathy we treat the whole person and take into account all the symptoms on a mental, emotional and physical level. The first aid for insect bites in Homoeopathy is the homoeopathic remedy Ledum. It is indicated for all puncture wounds and all animal bites. In Homoeopathy it is not only given for any insect bites it is also used for wounds in nerve rich tissues like finger tips and toes. I take it for any accidents in the garden involving those areas. 

Homoeopathy can do more for people with chronic diseases to help them to lead a normal life again. If you want to know more about that contact me on 07813 195468. I'm looking forward to hear from you.

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