Clear It Out
It is just this funny time of the year when you feel that spring is just waiting to spring. There are signs in nature that it cannot be long before the flowers start to bloom again. Well, mind you, the daffodils are in the shops already and there are even one or two peeping out of the ground in the neighborhood, waving their little golden bells in the breeze. So it cannot be long before it starts to warm up. With lend just being around the corner there is always that feeling that something new is starting.
I don't know about you but I always feel like having a clear out at this time of the year. As soon as the first nettles are out of the ground, I'll have them on my plate. You also can see me walking around barefoot in my front garden, and there is the cold shower in the morning too. Another good way of detoxing the system is taking activated charcoal. It helps by trapping all the toxins in your body and expelling them in a safe manor.
I suggested a detox to person who is on a lot of medication and suffers from multiple allergies, but the person was very much against it because there was nothing more to eliminate in the diet. Detoxing is not about elimination, it is about clearing all the rubbish out of your system, everything the body doesn't need anymore. Eating healthily is part of it, particularly after all the food we had at Christmas, but eating healthily means something different for each person.
Another good way to detoxify your system is Homoeopathy. There are so many homoeopathic remedies to help eliminate the waste in your system and open up the channels again. If you want to know a bit more about Homoeopathy and how it can help you to become healthy again, contact me on 07813 195468.
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