Sunday, 26 February 2023

Love yourself

Take Care Of You!

When I talk to people about health and the benefits of Homoeopathy they often say that they would like to see me but that they do not feel that they could spend that amount of money on themselves. There are always more pressing matters at hand. All of those people who think that they cannot spent the money on themselves for their health are women. Why is it that women feel that way?

Thinking and remembering my childhood I think I know the answer. Women get told, from a very young age on, that they should think about themselves and their well-being last. It is imposed on them to regard themselves less important than anything and anybody else. This is wrong because how can you look after other people if you are not well? I think it is a bit like in an air plane if the oxygen level drops. If you do not look after yourself first and get the oxygen mask on, THEN YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO HELP ANYBODY ELSE.

You should love the next person like you love yourself. If you do not love yourself, what kind of love it there for the next person? Self-love is very important because you need to have the feeling to be able to share it with other people. Leaving yourself exhausted and flat doesn't help anybody. You are the most important person in your life. So look after yourself and let Homoeopathy give you a hand with this. You deserve it. And you deserve LOVE.

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