Sunday 25 August 2024

Working together

Going Hand In Hand

A lot of people actually don't know that Homoeopathy can be a choice of medicine to be used alongside mainstream medicine. 

There are many advantages to using both hand in hand. Homoeopathy might reduce the pain and speed up healing. It can help with wound healing after an operation and might even speed up the fusion of bones after they have been set.

Homoeopathy can reduce swelling which might be particularly important after an accident. 

I can remember when my daughter broke her leg the first time. Arriving at the doctors surgery, the first thing the orthopedist did, was to give her some homoeopathic Arnica. The x-ray showed a complicated fracture which needed operating on, but my daughter was in no pain and feeling so well that we made the mistake of having lunch before driving to the hospital. So having eaten was the reason why she couldn't be operated on straight away after arriving at the hospital. Still, she was in no pain and in good spirits even though so bored while we were waiting for the hours to pass. Her leg was not swollen at all despite the nature of the fracture.

The situation was very different when she broke the other leg 4 years later. The fracture was a lot less complicated but this time she didn't receive any Arnica after the fall and the leg swelled up enormously. It was in fact so swollen that they nearly had to cut it open lengthwise down the whole leg to relieve the pressure because it was threatening to damage the nerve. As you could imagine it was not only my daughter who was very distressed about this. It was the worst night of my life. Luckily that didn't need to happen and after 2 days they could operate on the leg. This made me think that so much distress and suffering could have been avoided if Homoeopathy would have been employed, or in fact that Homoeopathy would be more widely used alongside mainstream medicine. 

Don't forget that in Homoeopathy you need to know what you are doing and that it is a very individual medicine. Even though in 80% of cases Arnica is the right remedy to give after an accident there is still the other 20% where another remedy is needed. So the best thing to do is to see a qualified Homoeopath. Contact me on 07813 195468 to book an appointment.



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