Sunday, 1 October 2023

Good bye summer


The Autumn Slowly Walks Towards Us

Here we are again! It is cooler in the mornings and some days are not very warm anymore. It gets darker earlier in the evenings and becomes light later. When I get up in the morning now, it is still dark. We are definitely heading towards autumn. Earlier evenings and longer nights mean that you can go to bed and sleep earlier without feeling that you'll miss out on something, i.e. party, daylight, barbeque. Sleep is very good for you. Children grow in their sleep and sleep also boosts the immune system. We would die without sleep. It is an important part of our lives. 

But not everybody is looking forward to the night in bed because sleep may not come easily to them. Some people have difficulty falling asleep in the first place, some people wake up in the middle of the night and are not able to get back to sleep, and there are people as well who cannot sleep at night because they work night shifts or look after a relative who suffers from ill health and needs nursing around the clock. Young parents are also a group of people who might find it hard to find some sleep because of a crying baby. Problems in your life or going through difficult times can cost you a nights sleep as well. There are so many reasons to loose a nights sleep and there are so many homoeopathic remedies to address the issue. But don't forget: Homoeopathic medicine is a very individual medicine. It takes the whole person into account, the mental, emotional and physical symptoms. You might want to try the following remedies but if they don't do anything for you, you still could benefit from Homoeopathy by seeing a Homoeopath who might find the right remedy for YOU.

When you are sleepless from over study, where you have been to an exciting seminar and all the knowledge will carry on rummaging around your head Arnica 50M might be the right remedy for you.

New parents who cannot sleep because of the crying baby might want to see a qualified Homoeopath to address the problem. There are a lot of good remedies for all sorts of sleep disturbances like when the child is teething and cannot sleep because of the pain, or colic. A dose of Chamomilla can help very often, but see a health care professional if you want to be on the safe side. If the young mother and/or father cannot sleep because the heart is beating very fast, something you might experience when you just have an hour to sleep and can't, then Coffea tosta might be the right remedy to help.

People on night shifts, like nurses or police officers, whos' sleep patterns are all over the place, might benefit from Cocculus indicus. Don't forget that Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine, so self medication is not advised. 

The above mentioned remedies are only a small selection of the over 3500 homoeopathic remedies that are there to help you. It might be that your sleep problems are more deeply rooted so that none of the above mentioned remedies help you. It would be good to have a full consultation to start a constitutional treatment which could help not only to sort your sleep problems out. If you want to know more about Homoeopathy and how it can help you, or if you want to book an appointment, please contact me on 07813 195468. I'm looking forward to hear from you and help you on your way to health.

Here comes the night. Have a nice sleep.

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