Sunday 21 July 2024

It is in the water


The Water Of Life

I was writing about tea and coffee the previous weeks, but there would be none of that without water. I must admit that water is just my favorite drink. Are you aware of the fact that apart from oxygen water is the substance which is most important to us for survival? It is obvious but how many of us are aware of it? You can stay alive without food for at least 40 days without dying, without water you will be dead in less than 3, depending on outside temperature and conditions. This is only toped by oxygen. The first brain cells die after 3 minutes without oxygen.  

Keeping in mind that the human body contains around 75% of water it is not surprising that this substance is so important. Water is a very special substance and has contradicting properties. It can be solid or liquid at 0℃, which is really strange. The other thing about water is, that it shrinks when it is melting and that it has such a high surface tension that small insects can walk on it. Water exists in 3 stages on earth. It can be solid, liquid and a gas and they can all exist at the same time. Water dissolves a wide range of substances and it has a memory. 

That is used in Homoeopathy where the property of a substance is transferred to the memory of water. The more often it is transferred, i.e. diluted, the more powerful is the resulting medicine. Not only that water plays a vital role in Homoeopathy there are actually homoeopathic medicines made out of water. There are the spring water remedies like the Voeslau Aqua from the mineral spring at Voeslau in Austria or Wiesbaden Aqua from the mineral spring at Wiesbaden in Germany. 

There is also a homoeopathic medicine made out of sea water which is called Aqua Marina. This is used for seasickness or bad effects of residence near the sea, but it is also used as a blood purifier and a vitalizer where symptoms are compatible. 

Aqua marina is a very interesting remedy because seawater contains in solution every inorganic substance in the world due to the fact that after the ice age and the melting down of the ice all the water ended up in the sea. The water washed all the iodine out of the soil and took a lot of other substances with it as well because it dissolves an unusually wide range of substances. That is the reason why seawater is so high in iodine which makes the homoeopathic remedy a good choice for thyroid problems, where indicated.

I was just recognizing that talking about all the water remedies in one go would this make a very long read. So let's just say that this is part one. Contact me on 07813 195468 to book an appointment. Don't forget in Homoeopathy we treat the whole person and not the sickness. 

Photograph by Roger Giraud-Saunders

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