Sunday 14 July 2024


Wake Me Up

Last week I wrote about tea, now its time for coffee. I can remember that I learned a song at primary school about coffee and that drinking too much of it will make you pale and sick. Coffee was not meant to be for children. That was because of the caffeine which both tea and coffee have in common, but tea to a lesser degree. The other drink of my childhood which contained caffeine and was NOT meant for children was Coca-Cola or what ever brand there used to be. When I was young, and YES, this is a long time ago, Coca-Cola was NOT for children. Nowadays I have even seen babies drinking it out of their bottle. 

I've learned that coffee is a native plant of Africa where it was originally used as food not as a drink. The beans were ground up and mixed with fat to get a kind of energy ball which was taken as nourishment into the mountains because the coffee bean is full of nourishment and protein. There is vitamin B2 and folic acid in coffee beans as well as magnesium, copper, zinc, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. But please don't rush out and start to chew coffee beans because it can have a negative side effect. Coffee affects the lining of the stomach and the caffeine is more accessible for the body when you eat the beans. There are actually chocolate covered coffee beans available as a sweet treat but they should be eaten in moderation. I don't think you can actually eat many in one go.   

Only from AD1300 was coffee used as a drink where the roasted beans get ground up and infused with hot water as you surely know. This way it has no nutritional value at all any more. To the contrary, drinking coffee takes nutrients out of our bodies because it creates a biotin deficiency. It is said that coffee is a major cause of Osteoporosis because the caffeine leads to the inhibition of the biding of calcium in the body and interferes with the absorption into the system.

So why do we drink coffee? Well, caffeine has some beneficial affects as well. It increases the heart rate and gives you more endurance. And it keeps you awake.

I must admit that I cannot drink coffee because it makes me feel nauseous, well, it irritates the lining of the stomach.

Keeping you awake it exactly why coffee is used in Homoeopathy. There are 2 Homoeopathic remedies made from this plant, one is made from the raw coffee bean, Coffea cruda, and one is made from the roasted coffee bean, Coffea tosta.

Coffea tosta is the number one Homoeopathic remedy for sleeplessness. The keynote here is when you cannot sleep because your heart is beating very hard and fast. I used to get that when my children were small and I had only a limited time to sleep. I was so stressed to get to sleep there and then that my heart was going so hard and fast that I actually could not sleep at all. It also sometimes happens when you are woken suddenly out of a deep sleep.

The other use of Coffea tosta is in tooth ache. It particularly helps when the toothache is worse for something hot in the mouth and better for cold. But, obviously, this is before you go to the dentist not instead. It helped me to get some sleep when I was in pain. Both remedies share a hyper sensitivity and both remedies are for sleeplessness but with different symptoms. There is intolerance of pain in Coffea cruda, and hyperactivity of body and mind. So if you are very hyper and don't know how to stop and relax, or if you cannot bear pain very well, or if you are not able to sleep, give me a call on 07813 195468 and come and see me. We will sort something out and it might even be Coffea cruda or Coffea tosta.

Oh, and by the way: Spend coffee grounds are good for the garden. The worms just love it. 

This is Petros, my coffee tree.

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