Sunday, 10 November 2024

It is time to remember

 We Shall Not Forget

The year has passed so quickly and now it is November again. November with the Remembrance Day when we will remember all those people who lost their lives in conflicts. Even though the war which should have ended all wars is over for 106 years, there was another war only 21 years later. I still can remember my mother telling me about her childhood during the Second World War. They were stories about fear, pain and suffering. Even though so many people suffered so much, there are still wars and conflicts today. People are still suffering.  It is time that we learnt to solve conflicts without anybody getting hurt.

November is the month when we remember not only the victims of wars, but also all people who have passed away, the same year and earlier. In Germany we used to visit the graveyards on the first Sunday in November. November is a month of grieving. People who have lost somebody dear to them might feel it particularly acutely when the skies are grey and the afternoons are cold and dark.

Homoeopathy can help in situations like that. Homoeopathy has almost as many remedies for different sorts of grief as there are words for snow in the Inuit language. There is a remedy for the grief when somebody has lost a very young child. There is a remedy for old grief and for the grief for the loss of a spouse. There is also the "funeral" remedy which helps to contain the raw grief of a recently bereaved person without taking it away. 

There is a remedy for grief about the earth and nature, the loss of natural spaces, and grief from a very young age. Another remedy deals with ailments from grief, and if somebody has never been well after the loss of a dear person. There is even a remedy for people who grieve not the loss of a person but the loss of their job, their property, their status or a limb.

Homoeopathy can help you to get over this essential but debilitating feeling. You don't have to bear your grief any longer all on your own. If you want to know a bit more about Homoeopathy and how it can help you, please get in contact on 07813 195468.

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