Sunday, 3 November 2024

Autumn fires

 Burning In The Night

Remember, remember,

The fifth of November, 

Gunpowder, treason and plot,

I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

With Halloween just gone and Bonfire night ahead of us, there is much activity in the dark season. I particularly like Bonfire night with the bright burning and sometimes there are even fireworks as well. 

But what is the story behind the 5th of November? Well, it was the 5th of November when a group of 13 men wanted to blow up Parliament to start a Catholic uprising in Protestant England. Guy Fawkes was one of the 13 men but he was not the one who was the brains of the plot. He was merely in charge of lighting the fuse of the gunpowder barrels. He was discovered and arrested, and confessed under torture. Not a nice story but, it is not a nice thing to blow up people in the first place. 

Well, this is why we have the 5th of November, which is also known as the Gunpowder Plot. And talking about gunpowder, there is also a Homoeopathic Remedy made from good old fashioned gunpowder. I normally wouldn't say anything like that because I'm dead against anything which has the sole purpose of killing. Ask my children. They were never allowed to play with toy guns because there is no other use of a gun than to kill. Well, gunpowder is different. 

Even before it was made into a Homoeopathic Remedy the healing powers of it were well known and wounded soldiers in World War I and World War II used it, amongst other things, for infected wounds. Even the London police used good old black gun powder for boils in the old days. 

No wonder that old fashioned gunpowder has healing powers. It is a mixture of three components, two of which are Homoeopathic remedies in their own right. They are even polycrests, which means that they have a wide spectrum of action. The action of gunpowder is more specific but don't forget, that Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine. 

I have studied 5 years to find the right remedy the individuum needs at that specific moment in their life. So, please, no self medication. For Homoeopathy to work you have to have the right remedy. I can to that for you so please give me a call on 07813 195468 to book an appointment. Looking forward to hear from you, and don't forget to stay a safe distance away from the bonfire. 

Photograph by Roger Giraud-Saunders

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