Sunday, 23 February 2025

Soon it will be spring

The Spring In The Air

I know it is still cold and the wind  is still bitter but the sun is not shining today. Everything is nicer, when the sun shines. 

Maybe it is time for a bit of spring cleaning, not only the house (better done when the sun is shining because you'll see all the cob webs) or the conservatory(too early, we are not going to use it before April and by then the spiders took up residence again), but myself. 

I usually start to drink nettle tea once a day at this time of year to clear the blood. I eat fruit and grains for breakfast and a salad for lunch. 

As soon as the nettles come out in my garden, I add them to my salad. My husband thinks that I'm as tough as a goat but I do like the tingly feeling in my mouth. And the taste. I've noticed that the chives are peaking out of the soil as well so they might be ready to be picked soon. Activated charcoal is another good supplement to get rid of toxins in your body. 

I do use it sometimes but usually I get bored with swallowing the huge capsules. It is so much easier to use Homoeopathy. The Homoeopathic remedy Carbo-vegetabilis is made from charcoal and purifies the body as well particularly if there is a lack of energy as well. If the person has no energy at all, Carbo-animalis would be the better choice. Please keep in mind that this is not an instruction for self prescribing. If you don't feel well for any length of time you should see a health practitioner. Homoeopathy
is a very individual medicine and it can only work if you get the right remedy for you. So contact me on 07813 195468 and we can sort things out. Looking forward to see you back in good health and energetic.

I cannot wait for the flowers to come out.

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