I wish
Waiting Again
It is time to wait again. Time to wait for my cold and the cold to pass. I'm waiting for sunshine and spring. I want to go out into the garden and cut trees and hedges before it is too late to do so.
But I'm not going to do that NOW. It is too cold, the cold wind is blowing right trough me whatever I'm wearing. Anyway, at the moment I'm nursing the cold very generous people gave to me. I'm glad I have Homoeopathy to help me with that. Otherwise I would suffer a lot more and it would take a lot longer to pass.
So while I'm waiting for the cold to pass and the weather to get better I'm lining up my Homoeopathic remedies to have them to hand if disaster strikes. Gardening is a dangerous job as I found out when I fell off the compost heap. Well, it was actually quite funny in spite of the bruises.
This time I have to cut trees and blackberries. Cutting blackberries I will definitely end up having lots of thorns in my fingers. The Homoeopathic remedy silica can sort that out. And for the bruises I have Arnica. Any squashed finger can be treated with Ledum and cuts are the domain of Staphysagria. So spring and sun can come, I'm prepared. If you need me give me a call on 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you.
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