Sunday, 2 October 2022

The change of season

When The Wind Blows.... seems to blow the rainclouds away. So now it is officially autumn again. All in nature looks so tired but that is unfortunately not down to autumn but to the lack of water. We still have had not enough rain. 

We were driving through the country side at the weekend and I was amazed that the elderberry were lush and ripe hanging in big bunches off the bushes inspite of the lack of water.  The elder bush is a particular favorite of mine and it is so versatile. You can pick the flowers in May and make a refreshing cordial out of it or even something sparkling and slightly alcoholic if you a very careful. I've heard that it has a tendency to explode.  You can also use the ripe berries at this time of year to make a juice which helps you with colds in winter. Again you have to be careful because you need to boil the juice or there might be some poisoning if you use it raw. 

Even though I do love the plant, I do not like the flavor of the elderberry juice very much. Sometimes I mix it with apple and/or blackberry juice. So it is much easier for me to use the Homoeopathic remedy of the elder which is called Sambucus nigra after the botanical name of the elder bush. This remedy is particularly suited for people with breathing problems. 

I'm sure that you might have experienced the stuffed nose which closed up completely when having a cold as soon as you were lying down. It can really ruin the good night sleep so much needed when having a cold. Well, I have used this remedy many times with great success to solve that problem. But it can do more for you when indicated. 

Don't forget that Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine and that you need to know what you are doing if you want to be successful. I have studied for 5 years in order to help you with your health issues, so no self prescribing please. Give me a ring on 07813 195468 so I can give you a hand. Looking forward to hear from you. 

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