Sunday, 4 December 2022

New ways

The New Way To Wash

I tried something new last week. I tried using chopped up conkers for washing clothes. You just chop up  some fresh conkers, let them dry out and resoak them in hot water when you want to use them. Two tablespoons full of dried conkers and 100ml of hot water is enough for a load of washing. I was really surprised that the laundry came out so clean. I must admit that I was toying with the idea of doing that for some time but was just not brave enough to do it. It must have been at least 2 years ago when I collected the conkers in the autumn, chopped them up and dried them out on top of the washing machine in the conservatory. So I had them ready for some time but was not brave enough to give it a go. 

Sometimes you just need a little time to be brave enough to try something new. It was the same for me with trying Homoeopathy back in 1993. I had a friend, a fellow mother, who used to tell me about those wonderful things Homoeopathy can do for the children. Get them well again without antibiotics and nasty tasting medicine. It sounded too good to be true and I was sceptical. So I was toying with the idea to see for myself how good this kind of medicine would be but was just not brave enough. It took a severe illness for me to make the decision. 

I had pneumonia at the end of 1992 when I hardly got any sleep because my children were ill with whooping cough and I was working nights, delivering newspapers. The coughing went on all night and that was not the only worry. There was vomiting and stripping the beds and loading the washing machine at night as well. It was a tough time. So no wonder that I panicked when I got a sore throat again shortly after I was released from the hospital and started coughing again. That was when I finally decided to try this highly praised medicine for myself. 

I tell you what: It was like magic. A little sugar pill in water, a sip every half hour and my sore throat was gone the next day.  So after I tried it for myself, I was confident to use it for my children as well and again, it was magical. I wished that I would have used it sooner. It would have saved me lots of sleepless nights and endless worry. My first child would never sleep and therefore I was also never sleeping. Now I know that Homoeopathy would have had an answer to that. But you live and learn. So give me a call on 07813 195468 if you would like to make use of this wonderful medicine. 

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