Sunday, 11 December 2022

By the way

Wonderful Trees

It is this time of year that when you talk about trees, most of the time it means Christmas trees. I do love trees. They are wonderful and we definitely need them. But today I'm not talking about Christmas trees but Chestnut trees. 

I know that they are in a sorry state because of some nasty moths and last week I was telling you about the fruit of those majestic trees and that they make a great laundry liquid if chopped up, dried and resoaked in hot water. 

But conkers can not only be made into soap , there is actually a Homoeopathic remedy made out of the fruit of the chestnut tree. This is called Aesuculus hippocastanum. This is a remedy which might help with varicose veins and venous stasis. It also has an affinity for the hips and might help with degenerative hip disease or arthritis of the hips. Aesculus hippocastanum can help with a deranged liver and glandular swellings, particularly the swellings of the tonsils. As you might know, Homoeopathic remedies have a wide range of action and that of Aesculus hippocastanum includes an affinity of the disks of the spine as well and might help with herniated, prolapsed or ruptured disks. But as it is with all Homoeopathic remedies, please no self-medication because the remedy can only work its magic if it is the right remedy for YOU.

We were talking about the funny name containing the part "hippo" which is ancient Greek for horse. That part came from the fact that in past times the horsemen used the bark and the fruit of the chestnut tree to treat their horses when they had digestive problems. So you see, a Chestnut tree is not only wonderful to look at but has also healing properties as well as supplying us with oxygen and storing carbon dioxide. Give me a ring on 07813 195468 if you want help with varicose veins, hip problems or any spinal disk trouble.

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