C for Citrus
In The Wintertime
Coming to terms with the fact that this is another January I soon realised that there is one thing we must do this month. It is the same every year. If my husband wants to eat home made marmalade, it is now or never for another year because the Seville oranges you need to make marmalade are out in the shops now and maybe for another fortnight. We recognized that it was quite difficult to get them this year. We have been only lucky once and managed to get 3 kilos of the bitter fruit. Keeping in mind that roughly a jar a week is consumed in our house, you can figure out that we need roughly 52 jar to see him through the year. We usually manage to get enough fruit to fulfil the requirements apart from this year. So it is just as well that I found another 25 jars in the cupboard when my husband couldn't find anymore and started to panic(mild concern. RCG-S). They must have accumulated in the dark corner.
Even though it is hard work making marmalade, I must admit that I quite like handling the orange fruit. It tastes actually horrible without sugar and heat, I tried. And do you know that roughly 10% of the fruit is pips? I once collected all the pips in one kilo and weighted them. Some of the pips I stuck into soil and grew little orange trees out of them. They grew well and I gave some away as well as keeping some. It will be another 8 years till we might get some fruit, if ever, but it is good fun.
I do not think that marmalade for breakfast counts as part of your five a day, like my husband claims, but citrus fruits are very good for you. It is not only the flesh inside that you can eat, the peel is edible as well and contains more vitamin C than the flesh but I would only eat/use the peel if the fruit is organically grown.
Keeping in mind that I'm not only making marmalade but being a Homoeopath you might have guessed that there is a Homoeopathic remedy involved as well. Well, it is not only a remedy made of lemons, Citrus Limonum, there is actually a Homoeopathic remedy made from the peel of Seville oranges available as well. It is called Citrus Vulgaris and can be used for diseases of the elderly with chilliness and coldness. Right-sided neuralgia of the face is in the remedy picture as well as headache with nausea, vomiting and vertigo. There are a few more keynotes in this remedy but it is not one of the most used remedies in Homoeopathy. It is compared to Ruta in the Materia Medica but I think that it is not widely used. I certainly never used it and I do not have it in my remedy chest. I do have the remedy Citrus Limonum, and I use it regularly when my toes feel bruised after walking in heavy boots.
Don't forget that self medication has its limits and for Homoeopathy to work, you have to have the right remedy. So give me a call on 07813 195468 and lets us work together to sort out your health problems.
Quarterly supplies |
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