Sunday, 18 December 2022


 The Candles In The Wind

I was talking about the fruit of the chestnut tree last time. Conkers are great as the real thing for washing but they are great as a Homoeopathic remedy as well. I still cannot let go of the chestnut tree. There is so much more to say about this majestic, beautiful tree. I can remember the children bringing home conkers and playing with them in the garden. All of a sudden I would find a tiny little chestnut trees sprouting in the lawn. I always found it very difficult to pull them up. They used to be so beautiful and it was difficult to imagine this baby becoming a 30 foot tree. I had to remind myself of how big it would grow and then it was no problem to pull it up. We only had a small garden behind the house. There was no room for a tree like that.

Today I want to tell you that the flowers, which appear in May, are used as a Homoeopathic remedy as well. I do not know if you had noticed that the flowers come in two colours. You can have chestnut trees which are flowering red but the majority of them are flowering white. We used to call them candles when we were young and it was a sign that spring was here when the chestnuts showed their candles. It always amazes me that the little spiky fruits appear as soon as the blossoms fall off.  The remedies are called Aesculus hippocastanum album (made from the white flower) and Aesculus hippocastanum rubum (made from the red flower). They are quite new remedies and are mainly used for cases where there is a history of sexual abuse. Aesculus hippocastanum album releases shock from the system and can adjust emotional trauma and physical damage to the reproductive organs. We are talking about a serious matter here so please, no self-medication. I'm here to help you with all your problems so please give me a ring on 07813 195468. And don't forget that Homoeopathy only works if you get the right remedy for YOU. 

Photograph by Roger Giraud-Saunders.

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