Sunday, 5 March 2023

Spring up

The Great Defender

I cannot wait to get out into the garden and start putting seeds into the soil but I'm aware of the fact that it is still too cold and there is also some other work to do till I can dive into sowing. First I started to fill up our raised beds but while I was doing that I noticed that the blackberries tried to further invade the garden. I think that if the world comes to an end, the blackberries might might be the first colonizers together with buddleia.  

I love blackberries, don't get me wrong. They are great defenders and we do have them against the fence. I love to make a herbal tea from the first fresh leaves in spring. I also like the beautiful flowers, so delicate white and pink, and I do love the fruit, as many of our neighbors do. We find that every year when they do come and pick uninvited, some even bring their containers. 

I just don't like the dead branches snatching at my hair and cloths and the plant wanting to take over my garden. I do like other fruit and vegetables as well, so I have to keep them in check. 

So my big task last Sunday was cutting back the old branches in the blackberry bushes and digging up everything that was wandering off the original site. That was easier said than done because naturally the bush was fighting back with every inch of its new and dead branches. I do not know what is worse. And as I was cutting and pulling dead branches out of the thicket the unavoidable always happens however careful I'm.

However thornproof my gloves are there is always some thorn which gets into my skin. Sometimes they are very tiny or break on their way through the gloves and into my skin and just disappear only to reappear when least expected. It always happens to me that I think I escaped unscarred but then I brush my hand against the duvet cover only to get a stabbing pain that tells me that there is a tiny prickle in my hand. Or it starts to hurt when I wash my hands. I always try to dig them out immediately with a needle which is painful and not always a success. 

A much easier way is using Homoeopathy. A dose of Silica and the pain is gone and the prickle starts to work its way up and out of the skin. Sometimes it needs more than just one dose but all in all it takes care of the problem. Homoeopathy is just wonderful and not just for expelling foreign objects out of your body. But please no self medication here because Silica should not be taken if you are pregnant or have artificial parts in your body. I'm speaking here not only as a Homoeopath but also of own experience when I took a dose of Silica too much and my gold inlay fell out of my teeth and clattered on my plate. So come and see my instead. Call 07813 195468 to book an appointment.   

Job not quite finished.

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