Sunday, 23 April 2023

Be sustainable t(w)oo

Ready To Refill 

Do you know how long a plastic bottle can be used? No? Me neither. 

I have a small water bottle, nothing special just the half liter ones you can buy in supermarkets filled with sparkling water. It is light and just fits nicely into the little space in my day backpack. I think I've had it for at least a year. Of course I bought it for 80 pence and when it was empty I started to refill it with tap water which was fizzed from a soda stream. Every now and again it takes a soapy bath with the dishes in the sink, gets rinsed and is good to go again. 

The bottles with the laundry and washing up liquid are even older than my little water bottle. I cannot remember if I brought them over from Germany but I definitely had them as long as we have lived in Parkfields, so running on 17 years. And you know what? There is nothing wrong with them, even the little caps on the washing up liquid bottles are still alright even though they are quite fragile. The washing up liquid bottles are used on a daily basis and handled with wet hands, and when they are empty, they get refilled, again and again. There is still nothing wrong with them, so why chuck them away and get a new one as soon as they are empty? 

I had a bit of an issue recently with one of the health food shop owners where we go for the refill because the labels of the washing up liquid bottles came off. He told me that is not really able to refill bottles without a label because of trading standards so therefore he would do something illegal when refilling it. I explained that it was the original bottles of the washing up liquid as they where then and that it is quite normal that the label came off after so many years of being handled with wet hands. I do understand that he is in a bit of a bad situation trying to do the right thing and having to stay safe and legal. Don't get me wrong. It was not a water bottle I wanted to have refilled with something which shouldn't be in there, it was clearly a washing up liquid bottle. I'm not going to buy a new plastic bottle just to have a label. 

So if refilling will be a problem in the future I will either take my custom to a shop where the bottle can be refilled or I might consider doing my own washing up liquid, having a empty bottle. I'm also considering doing my own shampoo. Currently I'm using a shampoo where the bottle can be refilled (but only with what it says on the label) and I noticed that this shampoo became to harsh for my hair. I used to have quite greasy hair but with age and menopause my hair became quite dry and so I have to use oil every time I wash my hair now and recently even regularly in-between washes to be able to brush through it. This calls for a different shampoo and I'm going to create my own once I have an empty bottle.

I have been doing my own face cream now for years. I've started when I found a recipe in a health food magazine. Oh it must have been at least 25 years ago. So I have refilled the pots I begged and borrowed many times over with different varieties of face cream and every batch was unique and mostly lovely. Of course, not every batch worked out well, but there is no problem with that. It goes back in the hot water baths and gets remelted and adjusted till I like it. I do love to add different ingredients and making Calendula cream with oil infused with the Calendula petals I harvested in the garden and dried in the conservatory. It is very good stuff as well. Most of my creams you probably could eat but I like to know what I put on my face and on my hair. I also like to know what I put into my body and I would like to feel safe and have no side effects. That is the reason why I try to eat good food and why I use Homoeopathy. 

Homoeopathy is not a cocktail of chemicals with unpronounceable names, it is just one ingredient if you are not using a combination remedy which I mostly don't. Homoeopath is without side affects and it is not addictive. The other nice thing about Homoeopathy is that it always has an answer and the right remedy, not for a disease, but for a person. It is very individual and the dosage is very individual as well. So it is suitable for all ages and even in pregnancy. I have to say that it is not really suitable for self medication because there are over 3500 remedies to choose from, so it might be hit and miss. With Homoeopathy you have to know your stuff and if you don't, then it doesn't work. 

You see, I have trained over 5 years with the British School of Homoeopathy to be able to help you. I'm a qualified Homoeopath now, registered with the Alliance of Registered Homoeopath  (ARH), and still learning doing coursed and CPD (Continued personal development). So if you want to make use of my knowledge give me a call on 07813 195468. 

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