Sunday, 14 May 2023

The jewels

Jewels Not Only For The Crown

Last week saw the crowning of our new King. It was a glorious ceremony. I knew that it was quite an old one but I would have never guessed that it had its' origins in 973 when it was created to crown King Edgar at Bath. It was a shame that it was raining all the time so instead of celebrating at the Market Place we had to move into the Corn Exchange, but it was so nice of the Town Council to open it up. 

I must admit that I do love the jewels. Can you imagine having 2.23 kg on your head? Well, that's the weight of the St. Edwards' Crown which has been used to crown our new King. Even though I love the bling, I think I would rather not have that weight on my head.  

I have been twice to the Tower of London to see the Crown Jewels. The first time I was just 13 and it made a lasting impression on me. I do remember the diamond named "The Star of Africa". The history attached to it is just fascinating. Diamonds are my favorite stones because they can sparkle in all colors of the rainbow. But I do love other jewels as well, it is just the beauty of them. When they come out of the deepest layers of the earth they don't look much like something precious. It used to be the skill of the cutter who brought the fire of emeralds, rubies, diamonds and sapphires to life. Nowadays most of the new stones seem to be cut by laser which is safer because you cannot spoil a stone so easily but it is less exciting and also less skillful. 

Well, you will not only find jewels in your jewellery box. They are used in Homoeopathy as well. Emerald for example is a very good remedy to give before a tooth extraction. It helps the tooth to come out. Ruby is a good remedy for people who always wanted to exercise and get going but never manage it and procrastinate until the next day. I have used those remedies in my practice many time, always with great success. There is also a remedy made out of diamond which I still have to use. There are remedies made from lesser gem stones like rose quartz and amethyst as well, which I have never used so far because they never have been indicated in a patient of mine. And that is the point. Homoeopathy can only work if you have the right remedy for YOU. So please no self medicating, call me on 07813 195468.

My jewels


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