Sunday, 4 February 2024

The water and the willows

Public Drowning

I went to a public drowning at the weekend. No, nobody got killed. It is not about the drowning of people but the watering of grass. It is the water meadows which get drowned. Water from the river is diverted via sluices and channels to let fresh, warmer water flow over the frosted grass early in the year. The water needs to flow and the "drowner" has to open gates and sluices to guide the water through the meadows. 

This is a medieval practice to bring on the growth of grass a month early in the year so that winter feed can be saved. There was a public demonstration of that in the Harnham water meadows and we went along. Wearing wellies was advised, with good reason. It was a wee bit wet underfoot. We were lucky. By the time the demonstration started the sun came out and bathed the beautiful landscape in sunshine. And, of course, we had the wonderful view of the cathedral. Not only that, there were some beautiful old willow trees as well. 

This wonderful tree is not only a beauty, you might know that Salicylic acid, the substance known to many of us as aspirin, originally came from the bark of this tree. There is a Homoeopathic remedy made from it as well.

In Homoeopathy we treat the whole person not just a disease. So I would only prescribe this remedy after taking YOUR case. 

Nevertheless, the Materia Medica on this remedy says that it can be used for piecing pain in the temples and a dullness of the head. It is also indicated for ringing and roaring in the ears, shifting pain in the joints and disorders following the suppression of foot sweat. This is only a small part of the whole remedy picture but quite an interesting one and it shows the diversity of the remedy. Most Homoeopathic remedies have a wide range of action on the mental/emotional and the physical sphere. To chose the right remedy for you is best left to a qualified Homoeopath so give me a ring on 07813 195468 and book an appointment.

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