Sunday 16 June 2024

Flaming June

In The Heat Of The Summer

It is June and it should be "Flaming June"..... only it isn't "Flaming June". I like that phrase because it reminds me of the beautiful painting by Frederic Leighton, which I'm quite sure I saw in London some time ago. I do love the colour of the gown and the colour of her hair. It is so appropriately named, I can almost feel the heat radiating from the painting, even in a print. 

But OH.... there is no flaming June for us this year. There might not be any summer at all if it carries on like this. It is still very cold and even when the sun shines, it doesn't get any warmer. No wonder that no carrots are showing in my garden, and I put seeds in at least 4 times. Well, the black birds digging in the bed probably don't help. Even where the birds are not digging, the garden doesn't grow this year. I wish there would be a Homoeopathic remedy that I could give the weather to turn warmer. So what kind of remedy would be suitable for a cold and rainy June? 

As you might know, Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine and as Homoeopath we treat the whole person, not just the disease. We take into account the mental and emotional state of the person, the levels of energy, the way the person sleeps and what kind of childhood the person had. But this is only a little part of the initial consultation. I also ask about likes and dislikes of food, the medical history and the medical history of the family. Another thing I always like to know is if the person is tidy or untidy and how they would describe themselves. 

So come to think of it, it would be completely impossible to find a suitable remedy for a cold and wet June. Even though Homoeopathy is very good I don't think it would help in this case because this is the crucial point: Homoeopathy can only work its miracle if you have the right remedy. If you want to find out about it give me a ring on 07813 195468. Looking forward to hear from you.  

A reminder of how flaming June can be.

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