Sunday, 26 January 2025

There is no end

Is It Still Christmas?

Christmas is long over but it still seems to be on in our house. We still have a lot of Christmas food. There is still the jar of cranberry sauce and the packet of chestnuts in the cupboard. there are mince pies in the freezer and I haven't managed to eat all the sweets yet. It seems never ending. How about you?

But what would be Christmas without all the special food you can usually only get around Christmas time? You, or I in this case, have to stock up. And I did stock up. I definitely stocked up on Brandy Butter. I must admit, this is my favorite Christmas food. I had never eaten anything like that before coming to the UK. It is just marvelous, and it doesn't matter if it is home made or shop bought. It is lovely on Christmas pudding, mince pies, and even Christmas cake (or any cake). 

It is one of those things where you cannot go wrong. A toast to Brandy Butter. It is just the right mixture of fat, sugar and alcohol. Just the things I should not eat, or at last not too much of it. But I have a lot of it. So what do I do? I will not let it go to waste so I made apple crumble and in the crumble was brandy butter. I left the sugar out, obviously, but added sesame seeds for the crunch. Well, we had the crumble with Brandy Butter. And I made a cake just using Brandy Butter, eggs, milk and flour. It is very good. I might have to freeze a bit because you can have too much of a good thing. 

And that is where Homoeopathy comes into the picture. No, there is not a remedy made out of Brandy Butter, well, not as far as I know. But if you have ever indulged in too much of a good thing, Homoeopathy can help with the remedy Nux -Vomica. This is not the ticket to over indulge but things like that happen. One mince pie too much and a big spoon full of Brandy Butter might do it and just tip you over the edge. The same goes for alcohol. So think about Homoeopathy but please no self medication because Homoeopathy is a very individual medicine. So give me a ring to book and appointment on 07813 195468. 

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