Sunday, 9 February 2025

In the books

It's In The Books

Well, I occasionally do read fiction. One cannot sustain a life just on medical and reference books, but sometimes I do wonder. Did you ever find yourself wondering why the heroine wanders off into the dark cellar when the power is off, even though she knows there is murder and mayhem down there, or expects it to be down there? Is she stupid, or what??? 

Or did you find yourself thinking that you would not have apologized to that bully, or said a particular thing, when reading a book? Obviously there would be no story to tell, if the heroine would just turn at the stairs down to the cellar and leave the house. There would not be the excitement at someones' peril and potential rescue if she would do that. At the moment I'm reading a book where the hero is a decorated war veteran with a blown off lower leg and he suffers dreadfully with it. It is described as swollen, red and sore, and the pain was excruciating. That is where I find myself wondering why he is not seeing a Homoeopath who could help him with these symptoms. It would make it a lot easier for him and taking some little sugar pills would help him to do his daily job, which involves walking a lot and standing for hours to survey people. 

Before I started on that book I read one where a person was really ill and very agitated. The relative of that person was so concerned and I kept thinking: "Well, a dose of Arsenicum album would sort that out."

Homoeopathy is such a wonderful medicine where small amounts of a substance could make a huge difference to a persons life. Consider it as an alternative but be aware that it can only work if you get the right remedy for YOU. I have been trained for 5 years to get the right remedy for the right person, and still learning, so self medication is very often a shot in the dark and doesn't work. A lot of people have been disappointed 
because they think Homoeopathy has let them down but the secret really is to get the right remedy. So let me give you a hand on your journey to health and call me on 07813 195468. Looking forward to meeting you.

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