Sunday, 26 May 2019

What if we could all stand together

World without borders

What if there would be just one world? What if there would be no countries and we would all be citizens of one world? Somebody recently said to me that we only have a chance to survive on this planet if we stand together. I think that he was right. Can we really afford to hate each other and lead wars against each other? Could standing together guaranty our survival?

At the moment we are far away from standing together. The state the people of the world are in at the moment reminds me of the mind set of the homoeopathic remedy Cicuta virosa. This remedy is made out of the Northern water hemlock, one of the most poisonous plants of the northers hemisphere. Botanically it is easy to mix it up with the poison hemlock, Conium maculatum. In Homoeopathy there is a big difference between the two remedies.

The reason why Cicuta virosa reminds me of the state of the world is because it is the remedy for misanthropists. In its' mind symptoms there is aversion to the presence of strangers, the despising of others and mistrust.

Cicuta is the most closed remedy of the Materia Medica, it will not trust people, it is suspicious and introvert. There is a total loss of confidence in human kind. They always talk of the errors of others. They are censorious, avoid the sight of people. There is anxiety about the future in the remedy as well and violence.

I can see a lot of common themes of the remedy and the state of our world. Can Cicuta heal the world? Is there a possibility that people might understand that hate is a waste of time and that we have to stand together as humans to be able to survive?

Not Cicuta but one of the same Umbelliferae family. I do not know which one.


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