Sunday, 26 November 2023

Stay positive

Expect To Succeed

We live in a culture of expecting failure. We have to study hard because we are afraid to fail in our exams. We always try to avoid failure instead of trusting that we will succeed. This is a bit like trying to teach a baby to walk when it is old enough. Children will walk eventually, when the time is right because it is in our DNA to walk. We don't have to learn it, it is our normal default mode. 

Health is also a default mode. Our body is supposed to be healthy and functioning. This is our normal state. Being ill and in pain is something unnatural. But we are ill, more than ever. Why is that? What are the reasons? Is this because we perceive natural states like the menopause or pregnancy as a state of disease? Has our body lost the ability to heal itself? Whatever the reasons for the sad state of our health we have a fantastic method to help us back to health. 

Homoeopathy is a natural kind of medicine with sound philosophy and natures' principles behind it. And yes, there is over 200 years of experience behind it as well. So most of the Homoeopathic remedies are tested and trusted. Homoeopathy looks at the whole person not just at noses or livers. It is sustainable as well because it comes from nature. We are so lucky to have this wonderful kind of medicine at hand to help us with all our health issues. Homoeopathy always has an answer. Do you want your personal one? Contact me on 07813 195468 to book an appointment.

This will keep you healthy as well!

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